Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Auto everything

I'm not sure what it is about the bathroom that brings me so much fascination and annoyance on a daily basis, but it is just one more place that is plotting against me all day. Filthiness aside, what is the deal with the automatic everything in the bathrooms? This wouldn't be such an issue if any of it worked properly. The automatic flusher for example. I think that the purpose is for water conservation. However, the toilet flushes about 3 times while you are hovering over the seat giving you a bidet-style ass splashing. But then when you are actually done, it won't flush. Then you have to figure out how to manually flush it and it is somehow never enough water to get the paper and seat cover down. So, two manual flushes are required. Now we are up to 5 flushes for something that is supposed to save water. Genius.

Then we have the automatic soap dispenser. Another good thought so you don't have to touch anything with your hands, but it never quite works. You need to walk to every single one in the row to find one that dispenses soap. You move to the sink with the automatic water sensor, which I assume is also for water conservation. This works fantastically well for water conservation because you can never get them to turn on. You stand in front of the sink moving, waving your hands in front of the sensor. Nothing. You look at the person next to you washing their hands, so what is wrong with you? Am I invisible or something? I'll try the next sink. Nothing. I'll wait until this person who clearly has a functioning sink is done and try theirs. Nothing. Let's go back to the first sink. This will continue until I can successfully wash my hands or just go ahead and slam my head against the wall.

I try to remind myself at moments like these that I should be thankful that I have clean, accessible water to wash my hands with at all. But, this feeling quickly fades and I bitch some more.

1 comment:

Jenky said...

I've gone so far as to use two sink, basically standing between two sinks, waving my hands frantically side to side, hoping for a splash. Here's where technology has not improved a simple part of our lives.