Monday, July 7, 2008

No, we don't want to have kids...

At least not on purpose anyway. I mean, I love the kids of my family members or other people that I care about. But, no, we do not want our own. What is the deal with society? Why can't people just accept that not everyone wants to breed? There are already too many people in the world. Why do we HAVE to create more? What is the deal with people and their 4 kids lately? How irresponsible is that? If you think about the cycle of living and dying, why are you having more kids than what will replace the two people making them?

I've never wanted to have children. So, it is no real surprise to me that I still do not want to have them. "But, you're 34, isn't your clock ticking?" This is a favorite question from people. To which I respond, "I wasn't born with a clock." You would think that would be ok with people, but it isn't. They think that there is something wrong with you for not wanting children. Like you torture animals or something. Why can't I just be realistic and say there are certain things that I want for myself and having children doesn't fit into that equation? Then I get "well, you're going to change your mind and then it'll be too late." Well, let's just say hypothetically that I do change my mind. How about if I just adopt one of the millions of children that need a good home? So then I hear "well, you never wanted to get married either and look how that has turned out for you." As if that proves anything. I married my husband because I like him and I like spending time with him. I didn't marry him so I could spend all of my time taking care of a kid. Oh and my husband realizes that I can either take care of him or a baby and he votes for himself. He doesn't want kids either. My favorite is "oh just have one and you'll see how everything changes." What kind of advice is that? Just go ahead and have a lifelong drain on your finances and see how it goes??? Mmmmk. I love that whole "everything changes" comment. Well of course everything changes. It has to. What else are you going to do? Spend the rest of your life hating your child because they've ruined what used to be your life?

How about if I just realize that these are the things I like:

My husband
Leaving the house with just a purse in under 30 minutes
Cars that don't smell
Clean furniture
A clean house
Watching what I want on tv

I could continue, but you get the idea. These are all things that kids do not go with. I know, then I will get the "good, I'm glad you aren't going to have kids. You don't belong around children." This is also not true. I'm a fantastic aunt, cousin, etc. I'd just rather come home to my nice clean house, lay on my nice clean furniture, plan my 3 week international trip and say the f word whenever I want. If I accidentally get knocked up, I'm sure I'll become a super, scrapbooking, soccer mom shoving photos of my kid in your face every chance that I get. But, until then, I'm going to enjoy peace and quiet.

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