Monday, June 16, 2008

Bathrooms at Work

So, I work in a "professional" setting. The sterotypical corporate environment. However, for some reason when you go into the bathrooms, it is straight up bar.

As the day progresses, they get progressively more disgusting. I drink a few liters of water a day, so I use the restroom frequently. I typically start at the first stall and have to move through them for the rest of the day to find one that is tolerable. Tolerable means that I will put down the seat cover and still hover over that because of my toilet issues in general. I don't sit on toilets that I did not clean. Not even my moms.

Anyway, by mid-morning, most of the stalls are disgusting. I mean, pee on the seats and floor. Unflushed exploding ass syndrome daily in stall two. Tampons floating. I've seen blood on the seats. You get the idea. They are horrifying. The thing that is so ridiculous, is that this is a floor full of seemingly intelligent women. I'm assuming they don't treat their bathrooms at home in this manner. Maybe they do, I don't know. Anyway, it is so gross.

The thing that bothers me the most is the unbelievable amount of pubic hair on the seats. I am so disturbed by this. What is with the 70s style jungle bush?? I know that we are all extremely busy, however, that length is just uncalled for. I just can't wrap my mind around it.

Update: I have included a photograph. This is stall 4. It has looked like this for three days straight. You can't tell me that the person who did this did not know they did it. I'm also sure that they've returned back to see that their business is still there. Also, what is up with the people who clean? How about flush and clean the toilet? Someone has obviously raised the seat. No idea why.

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