Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Dipshits come in all shapes and sizes

So I have a new coworker who seems to be a nice person and is very enthusiastic about coming to this company to be a corporate whore. On the surface, it would seem to be a great addition to the team. Work output has proven otherwise. However, this isn't where they become a dipshit. There was a five minute random discussion one day regarding cell phones and the fact that most people don't really have land lines anymore. New person says well, we have Vonage at our house and we have been really pleased with it. But, the problem is that he pronounces Vonage "vough nahzge" instead of Von ij. They don't just say it this once, but 6 times within a few sentences. I'm having a hard time making eye contact with this person when they keep repeating this word incorrectly over and over. I'm trying to figure out why they have heard the commercials for Vonage a ton of times and have heard how it is pronounced, yet feel compelled to change it to something else. As if their branding of Vonage is better than their own or something. Does it make them feel fancier to call it that? Because they are getting such inexpensive phone service, do they want to make sure you still know they can afford something much pricier?

It probably has nothing to do with anything other than it is just another dipshit in my day.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Well this really makes alot of sense...

I read an article yesterday that said:

"Billionaires Bill Gates and New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg announced on Wednesday that they would pool their resources and dedicate $500 million to stop people around the world from smoking. The World Health Organization estimates that tobacco will kill up to a billion people in the 21st century, 10 times as many as it killed in the 20th."

WTF??? This kind of crap just really pisses me off. Last time I checked smoking was a choice. People know the risks of smoking and choose to do it anyway. So why the hell do these two think that the best thing to do with 500 MILLION DOLLARS is to put money into helping stop people from smoking? How about putting $500M into things that kill millions of people that don't have a choice? How about putting it into our education system or programs to eliminate poverty or incurable disease research???

Isn't smoking kind of like hunting? Hunting is necessary for animal population control. What are we supposed to do with the extra billion people? Haha.

I know Bill Gates gives alot of money to good causes, but this is really freaking stupid.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Just do what you love?

How many people do you know that just "do what they love?" Why do people say this? What are they basing this on? You and everyone you know might be able to think of about one person each (if that) that they know personally that really loves what they do. Otherwise, work is just what you do so that you can spend a minuscule amount of time doing something you actually do love. I always say you spend 90% of your time doing something you hate so that you can spend 10% of your time doing something you want to do. Work is a means to an end. Life is about managing priorities and your happiness isn't always the priority. Everyone knows this and accepts this for the most part. But, how is it that people still have this stupid idea that they advise you to do what you love and get paid for it??

So, I'm asking you to please let me know if you know how I can get paid to take vacations, eat, drink and spend time with my husband. Thanks.

Monday, July 14, 2008

This is Unacceptable

Living in the burbs, you have to get used to alot of things centering around children. I refer to our planned community as "the land where everyone went to breed." Anyway, as a couple without children, the amount of tolerance that one must have to get through a given day due to other's children is immeasurable. We go to the movies at 10 pm and it is daycare. Not preteens running around without supervision as you might expect. No, it is couples with their infants and toddlers all over the theater. The whole reason we went to see 300 at the latest show was to avoid your children, but rest assured, we are surrounded by toddlers. I was so excited when we purchased our townhouse because there are miles and miles of bike trails all around the community, however, no one can actually ride a bike on the bike trail because it is usually polluted with strollers, wagons, kids learning to ride bikes, etc. These are just two minor examples of the type of thing we deal with on a daily basis around here.

So, today I stopped at a store to pick up a couple of groceries. This is a very busy shopping area with a very dangerous parking lot. We have the typical stay at home mom with her giant SUV that barely fits in the parking space. She has the back of her vehicle opened and her 4 children are running all around. She is paying no attention whatsoever to 3 of the kids. I would say that the oldest child might be 4 at the most. I sort of look at her wondering why you would have these children anywhere other than inside of the car strapped in with this much traffic around. Well, it is because she has one of the rugrats on a potty on the ground of the parking lot. Yes, a potty. Why on Earth would this woman have her kid on a potty on the ground of a parking lot while letting her other kids dodge traffic? She is saying to the kid "how is your poopy coming." Are you freaking kidding me? I don't have kids so I'm not going to pretend I know about potty training. But, I have alot of kids in my family and have been a contributing member of society for quite some time. Never have I seen something this ridiculous. How about wearing some pull ups on your kid until he is a little better trained? What is wrong with this person? Is this now where society is headed? Do we get to look forward to pottys on the ground outside of everyone's car so we can watch Johnny go poopy in the parking lot? Your child has now learned that pulling out a potty to poop in a parking lot is acceptable. Congratulations.

This is just another glowing example of the collection of idiots I encounter on a daily basis. You are not doing your child any favors by making him think that his needs are greater than anyone else's in society. Sometimes you have to wait to take a shit and the earlier you learn that, the better off you will be.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Fat Nurse Strikes Again

So, when I got my allergy shots this past week, Fat Nurse was at it again. Always trying to solve the world's problems. Particularly my world. I have been getting two allergy shots a week for most of my life, starting at age 7 or 8. However, this is the first allergy doctors office which requires that you sit there wasting 30 minutes of your life after your injections. Wasting time is the thing that I hate the most, so having to do it weekly, held captive by Fat Nurse really upsets me.

So this week, Fat Nurse decides that I need a dog. Perhaps she forgot for a minute that she had just given me two allergy injections and thought that the absolute best thing for me to do is get a dog. Seems very logical and right in line with my health needs.

Fat Nurse: You know what you need? You need a dog. You know something to cuddle up with and love on ya.

Me: Ummm that is what I have my husband for.

Fat Nurse: Oh, you're a newlywed, that will change.

Me: Even so, why would I get a dog. 1) I'm allergic to dogs 2) If I wanted a dog, I would just have a kid 3) I live in a townhouse with no yard. I hate people that get animals and don't have a proper living arrangement to suit them. It is selfish and I wouldn't do that to a pet. 4) I'm not really a dog person, if I were going to get a pet, I would get a cat.

Fat Nurse: Well, you really should get a cat then.

Me: Well, we think about it sometimes, but I am allergic. Plus, we think about all the things cats do like scratch furniture, climb all over everything, get fur on your furniture, etc. and then we think maybe we only like the idea of a cat and we don't really want a cat.

Fat Nurse then decides to go into a 15 minute conversation about how her daddy taught her how to shoot a gun in their field in TN and she never felt as safe until she had her Chow. Went into detail about how she made her decision to get a Chow and all of the other wonderful things about owning a Chow. She did this all about 5 minutes before my 30 minute sentence was up. So, I stand up trying to make her check my arms so I could escape, but no, she just kept right on yapping.

Why do people think that they have a better idea about how you should be living your life than you do? I would never talk to someone and say, you really need a pet.

Fat Nurse is just a special type of person that I always say I won't let bother me, but she always strikes again.

No, we don't want to have kids...

At least not on purpose anyway. I mean, I love the kids of my family members or other people that I care about. But, no, we do not want our own. What is the deal with society? Why can't people just accept that not everyone wants to breed? There are already too many people in the world. Why do we HAVE to create more? What is the deal with people and their 4 kids lately? How irresponsible is that? If you think about the cycle of living and dying, why are you having more kids than what will replace the two people making them?

I've never wanted to have children. So, it is no real surprise to me that I still do not want to have them. "But, you're 34, isn't your clock ticking?" This is a favorite question from people. To which I respond, "I wasn't born with a clock." You would think that would be ok with people, but it isn't. They think that there is something wrong with you for not wanting children. Like you torture animals or something. Why can't I just be realistic and say there are certain things that I want for myself and having children doesn't fit into that equation? Then I get "well, you're going to change your mind and then it'll be too late." Well, let's just say hypothetically that I do change my mind. How about if I just adopt one of the millions of children that need a good home? So then I hear "well, you never wanted to get married either and look how that has turned out for you." As if that proves anything. I married my husband because I like him and I like spending time with him. I didn't marry him so I could spend all of my time taking care of a kid. Oh and my husband realizes that I can either take care of him or a baby and he votes for himself. He doesn't want kids either. My favorite is "oh just have one and you'll see how everything changes." What kind of advice is that? Just go ahead and have a lifelong drain on your finances and see how it goes??? Mmmmk. I love that whole "everything changes" comment. Well of course everything changes. It has to. What else are you going to do? Spend the rest of your life hating your child because they've ruined what used to be your life?

How about if I just realize that these are the things I like:

My husband
Leaving the house with just a purse in under 30 minutes
Cars that don't smell
Clean furniture
A clean house
Watching what I want on tv

I could continue, but you get the idea. These are all things that kids do not go with. I know, then I will get the "good, I'm glad you aren't going to have kids. You don't belong around children." This is also not true. I'm a fantastic aunt, cousin, etc. I'd just rather come home to my nice clean house, lay on my nice clean furniture, plan my 3 week international trip and say the f word whenever I want. If I accidentally get knocked up, I'm sure I'll become a super, scrapbooking, soccer mom shoving photos of my kid in your face every chance that I get. But, until then, I'm going to enjoy peace and quiet.