Wednesday, February 11, 2009

You really haven't lived until you....

wake up with your cute kitten climbing all over you in bed and notice that her feet and tail are covered in diarrhea


tried to get a clean urine sample from your kitten

Who says we don't have a kid???

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

I'm a CISSP!!

Well, apparently anyone who gives up their life for 4 or 5 months to study can become a Certified Information System Security Professional. I studied my ass off, so I'm glad I passed. However, I still have no idea how I did it. I have no idea what was on the test, what it was asking and had no time to go back to the questions I had no idea on. By some miracle, I have passed. I better get a raise. I hope no one has any new extremely unrealistic expectations of my capabilities thanks to these 5 letters!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Truly Awesome

This may be one of the most disgusting things I've ever seen. I love it.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Being in Maui is better than being in DC

Here are a couple of reasons why:

1) being at work sucks

2) being on vacation rules

Friday, February 6, 2009

I hate your child

Why again do I have to explain to parents that you are not doing your brat any favors by letting them think that they can just do whatever they want and this is helping them in the future? On one of our legs from Maui, there was a toddler type of kid on the plane a couple of rows behind us. Maybe 2 or 3 years old. At some point his parents went to sleep and the kid got up and did whatever he wanted. He had a fantastic flight. He ran up and down the aisles. Ran into people. Blocked aisles. Ran in between the middle section of seats over people to run up and down the aisle on the other side. He drove his truck on the walls and on people's armrests. I mean I guess it is better than him screaming the entire time, but seriously who does this shit. I'd say this carried on for 2-3 hours out of the 5 hour flight. Super-fun, right?

Flight Attendants Have Envious Amounts of Power

So, we were about to endure our 1st flying experience since our MA debacle. We were flying to San Fran and on to Maui. Since I am a horrible flyer, I was not looking forward to being on a plane for 11 hours. Since we had such an awful experience last time around, I wasn't going to get happy about departing until we were actually in the air.

I guess we were a little longer than usual waiting to depart. The flight attendant gets on the intercom and says she is sorry for the delay, but once a situation with a passenger is resolved we will be leaving. I'm sure like anyone else, I'm immediately interested and looking around. I notice that the "issue" is only 2 rows back from where we are sitting. So, I'm thinking what could be so bad that we didn't even hear anything? Here come the TSA folks and security. 3 men surrounding this old, foreign lady. They were very polite and calm in their attempts to get her off the plane. But, she had absolutely no idea why she was being asked to leave. She kept saying, but why? They kept saying just come with us and we'll explain everything once you are off of the plane. They said they would put her on another flight. She just kept saying I don't understand. Why are you doing this? I too wanted to know. Finally one says that she was rude to the flight attendant. The woman ends up leaving without too much disruption and the flight leaves.

I'm fine with security and I guess there is a point where maybe that is a little unnecessary. But in actuality, I was just insanely jealous. Jealous of the power. I really think they need to call all children, babies, smelly and/or obese people a safety hazard for flying and get them all off too. Flight attendants can actually just have people thrown off a plane for nearly any reason now as long as it is under the guise of safety.

I wish I could do that in my daily life. Your stupidity is dangerous, you must leave my sight at once! This would really revolutionize my universe.

Friday, January 9, 2009

2009 is seriously cursed!

Our baby Gracie decided to fall from the 2nd floor down through the stairwell on new years day (despite our layered defense approach to prevent this from occurring). She also did this right in front of us and we still have absolutely no idea how she did it. Very, very, very long story short, she ended up with one night in the ER, head and eye trauma, concussion, hairline fractures to her face, terrible reaction to some of the meds, two traumatized parents.... She is actually doing a lot better now and seems almost back to normal. The doctors do not think there is any permanent damage and think she will make a full recovery. Poor baby.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year???

Since I've been under a studying rock for ages, I did not want to take time to plan what to do for new years. When one of my friends was getting a group together to go to one of those DC hotel parties, I just booked. Unlimited drinks, food, etc. and we got a room there so not too far to crawl. What an unbelievable waste of money New Years Eve was. If ever given the opportunity to go to the Grand Hyatt's Downtown Countdown party, just say no.

We went down to the Hyatt in the afternoon and got our stupid wristbands at like 3pm supposedly to avoid the lines later that night. We were starving, so we were going to walk to our favorite Thai place, but it was so freaking cold, we went to the first thing we passed, which was California Tortilla. We didn't want to eat a big meal because the menu for the party was so extensive. Little did we know that the shitty tacos we ate at 5, were going to be basically our only meals until the next day.

We go to the room to get ready, then we keep watching out the window inside of the hotel to see how many people are in line. We think that because we already have our wristbands that we won't have to wait. No such luck. We wait and wait and wait. What we are waiting for, I have no idea. Finally we get into the party and look for the bar. We wait in line for drinks and find out that they have the most random collection of ingredients. Basically gin and tomato juice and random shit that you would not drink. I end up getting a shitty vodka brand and cranberry. I order 3 because I don't want to wait in this line again for awhile. We were only allowed to order one drink at a time. WTF? There were thousands of people in lines everywhere and we could only get one at a time. Stupidity. The music was awful. We kept walking from room to room to room looking for better alcohol options, shorter lines, any of the 5 million food items they were supposed to have or at least some music that wasn't hair band or 80s music. We found none of these.

So then we basically say that after midnight, we are going back to our room. They didn't even do a freaking countdown!!! How do you have a NYE party without a countdown. The name of your stupid party is Downtown COUNTDOWN!!!

I was looking so forward to 2009 too. Hopefully, this is not indicative of the year to come.