Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Is it so much to ask...

What is so hard about being an admin?

Is there something so wildly confusing and complicated about ordering office supplies that I am just misinformed? Let's see, I have this cabinet full of supplies... I have X number of people that need supplies... I've been an admin on this floor for this particular team for about 6 years... The amount of supplies has dwindled over the course of several months until it is nearly empty. So, I wonder if there isn't some sort of way I would know how often to order supplies and how many supplies to order??? It isn't like the dumb bitch has to pay for them out of her own pocket. She can probably set up a recurring quarterly order and not even worry about it ever again. But, I guess that would make too much sense. It is better to just leave 100 people with no supplies or printers that actually work or if they do work, then there is no paper to be found. No one would bother asking you about it because you are such a bitch that everyone is afraid of you. Maybe that is your plan.

I wonder how many times I have walked to the supply cabinet over the past 4 months to see that nothing new has appeared? I wonder how many more times I will walk to the cabinet before pens and folders are replenished? I wonder why I even give a shit? I could easily provide my own pens, but why should I?

Why can't people just do their jobs? The world would be a better place.

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