Thursday, August 21, 2008

Just back it up

Famous words from anyone hearing that your hard drive has crashed. Well, you backed up, right? Let's back up to when I started working as a corporate whore at this shitty company. Someone, and I'm not sure who, but someone told me that everything in your "my documents" folder is backed up each time you log off the network. Apparently this is a lie. Apparently I just made this up. So I have been diligently making sure all of my files are in "my documents" for two and a half years for no reason whatsoever. So, then everyone wants to say well why aren't you using some program that I have never heard of. Well, because I don't know what you are talking about. How can you not know what I'm talking about when it pops up every day? Well, if it popped up every day, don't you think I would know what you are talking about? Well, we got that email about it. Well, call off the dogs, if we got an email about it, I MUST know about it then. Because I pay close attention to all 100 of the automatically generated stupid fucking emails that come through my inbox every day. If it was something so important, then why wouldn't an action be sent from someone in our senior management chain telling us to do it? We get emails from them telling us to go to their stupid "fun" committee activities. Ice cream and Wii, you gotta know about that....organization-wide tool for backing up, learn about that on the street.

Is my stuff backed up? Yes, to a point. But, who backs up every freaking day or even week? Maybe up through a couple of months ago and that's about it. If you say you back up every day, I will call you a liar to your face!

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