Wednesday, August 27, 2008

I'm sick

Why is it that when people find out you are sick they say, did you go to the doctor? I just got sick yesterday, what is it that you think the doctor is going to do? If I had gone to the doctor yesterday, he would say go back home and if you are still sick in 7-10 days then come back. If you do not have signs of infection like a fever or green snot, then there really isn't anything that a doctor can do for you. I know this from going to the doctor every time I'm sick and them never giving me anything to make me feel better because I don't have any signs of infection leading them to believe I need an antibiotic. Sometimes you are just sick. Sometimes when you spend 20 hours in recycled air in airports and airplanes, you catch whatever disgusting germs were floating around in there and they make you sick. I'm a snot factory! I want to go home. If my computer had been functioning all this time then I would have my work done and would actually be able to take off when I'm sick!

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