Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Just do what you love?

How many people do you know that just "do what they love?" Why do people say this? What are they basing this on? You and everyone you know might be able to think of about one person each (if that) that they know personally that really loves what they do. Otherwise, work is just what you do so that you can spend a minuscule amount of time doing something you actually do love. I always say you spend 90% of your time doing something you hate so that you can spend 10% of your time doing something you want to do. Work is a means to an end. Life is about managing priorities and your happiness isn't always the priority. Everyone knows this and accepts this for the most part. But, how is it that people still have this stupid idea that they advise you to do what you love and get paid for it??

So, I'm asking you to please let me know if you know how I can get paid to take vacations, eat, drink and spend time with my husband. Thanks.

1 comment:

Wushumaster said...

get a reality tv show