Friday, February 6, 2009

I hate your child

Why again do I have to explain to parents that you are not doing your brat any favors by letting them think that they can just do whatever they want and this is helping them in the future? On one of our legs from Maui, there was a toddler type of kid on the plane a couple of rows behind us. Maybe 2 or 3 years old. At some point his parents went to sleep and the kid got up and did whatever he wanted. He had a fantastic flight. He ran up and down the aisles. Ran into people. Blocked aisles. Ran in between the middle section of seats over people to run up and down the aisle on the other side. He drove his truck on the walls and on people's armrests. I mean I guess it is better than him screaming the entire time, but seriously who does this shit. I'd say this carried on for 2-3 hours out of the 5 hour flight. Super-fun, right?

1 comment:

The Golden Cuffs Revolution said...

I found your blog but see it's been a while since you've posted. How is your job going? Any better? I can completely relate!